Recently, an amazing and significant event of world significance took place - a large-scale online conference “Creative Society. Together we can." After watching the conference, people can no longer remain silent and want the world to know the truth.
Thoughts of the conference participants
This event laid the foundation and the course of the history of our civilization is already changing. On this day, people of different religions, nationalities and countries discussed together topics that have long been worrying all people:
• a world without wars
• healthcare accessible to all
• equal distribution of resources among all people
• climate change
Speakers, scientists and ordinary people noted the extraordinary atmosphere of unity, love and desire to convey this important information to all people so that the whole world learns the truth. The ugly truth was also brought up during the conference. Our civilization has gone through many wars and catastrophes, some are still continuing. What do we all need to do to live in a safe world? The answer is obvious - to unite in building a Creative Society.
Feedback from viewers of the conference
After the event, participants and viewers shared their thoughts and understandings. And they are all united in the main thing - people from different countries and speaking different languages can work and create together when united by one goal.
Patrick Maina from Kenya: “So my call to you is, let's unite, let's unite together in a team like the Creative Society. And we can make this world a better place for anyone. Let's continue, let's breathe the unity together, and we will go very far."
Tatiana Pritulenko from Ukraine: “I want to say that the wave of unity was present from the beginning to the end of the conference. We were all on the same wave of the vast ocean of Love. Happiness and joy overwhelm, the feeling is that the train has departed and the Creative format of our society is gaining momentum every day."
A comfortable, safe and just society is essential for everyone. We ourselves shift the responsibility for our lives to people who lose their human qualities from power and forget about their promises. It's time for us to take responsibility for our future and the future of our children into our own hands. We can unite in a peaceful way, without harming each other, and change our lives for the better.
Everyone can share the information about Creative Society
Everyone who watched the online conference on December 20th was undoubtedly inspired and understood the importance and value of spreading this information. So that everyone can find out the truth - tell, show, explain, share this world event from your heart with friends and family, neighbors and colleagues at work. After all, it is thanks to our openness and honesty that other people will also feel this and join the creative process.
There are different ways to spread the word about this world-wide conference. Make a Creative Society vlog for your blogs and channels. This is important and necessary not only for people who have not yet heard about this idea, but also for those who, like you, are already spreading it. This brings happiness and inspires for action.
Dear friends! Watch the global conference “Creative Society. Together we can” as this event undoubtedly changed the course of human history and the world learned the truth! And now everything depends on each of us, on our sincere intentions to build a world in which any person will be happy.